Joyce Helen Winkler - Online Memorial Website

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Joyce Winkler
Born in New Jersey
53 years
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The one thing I remember about you most is how you didn't let things get to you. You made the best out of any situation and even if things weren't perfect you still seemed happy.  You didn't let stress get to you and you always stayed calm.  You seemed happy most of the time. I rarely saw you cry.  I rarely saw you sad. 

that gives me inspiration.  You chose to believe that happiness is a decision.  You decided to be happy and enjoy life regardless. That's one of the hardest things for people to do I think, but you did it.   You were fearless. 

Bumble Bee
Joyce, Your spirit was wilder than the ocean, your hair more unpredictable than a wildfire and your heart was larger than life. You were the type of person that captured the hearts of so many and made every moment a memory through the lens of your camera. You held the world in your hands, yet you still stayed true to yourself and kind to everyone that was lucky enough to meet you. You were a light that shined brighter than the sun and now your spirit is flying with the eagles and surfing the waves in Bermuda ☺ Everyone that knew you thinks of you daily and we will never look at the ocean, a sunset or a star filled sky without thinking of you. Now we are all trying to live our lives. We carry you in our hearts through laughter, kindness, patience and a humorous wild streak, which we all admired in you. I know I can speak for everyone when I say we will miss you forever and never forget you. I may not have known you the way others did, or even for that long, but in the little time I knew you I was able to see just how special you were. Thank you for supporting me…bad and good, and for never judging me. I love you and your family and will never forget the times I spent getting to know you. You will always be in my heart. I know you will be around to remind me of things, and help guide me (and everyone else you knew)...I will see you again one day, that is a promise. Love, Bumble Bee
Beth Winkler
When we first moved to NJ my Mom took me to a Beach Boys concert at the Cherry Hill race track.  We had so much fun that night!  She loved the Beach Boys and everytime I hear one of their songs I think of her.  Dancing and having a good time. 
Beth Winkler
I just remembered a memory of my Mom.  When she was traveling back and forth to Vermont a lot to visit Donnelly she had bought a Nissan Pathfinder.  it wasn't in great condition but she loved that car.  She became very attached to it and even once it had broken down so badly that she should've taken it to a junk yard she would not let it go!  I remember telling her that she needed to sell it b/c it was a waste of space and she told me that she didn't want to sell it b/c it meant the true end of her relationship with Donnelly and she started to cry.  My Mom had a big heart and loved deeply when she loved.  I remember thinking that was so sweet of her.  She never wanted to let those she loved out of her life.  Even if she knew it was in her best interest to do so. 
Beth Winkler

I was talking with my therapist today and telling her stories about you.  I mentioned that a lot of times you brushed me off when I was upset.   She helped me realize that you didn't do this because you didn't care, you did this because you couldn't deal with seeing me hurting so you avoided it and tried to minimalize it.  That makes a lot of sense to me now.  I know you loved me.  last night I was alone for the first time in a long time.  I was nervous about being alone but I went up to bed and brought Neko with me.  I was thinking about how scared you must have been living by yourself all those years.  I thought to myself if Mom can do it, I can do it.  Your memory gave me strength. Then our ceiling fan light started to flicker and dim in and out, it was very strange b/c that never happens.  I felt like it was your way of telling me you were watching over me.  I read that spirits sometimes flicker lights.  Maybe it's a bunch of crap but it helped me to not feel alone.  I love you and miss you everyday.


Love Beth

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